ChemCognition LLC, P.O. Box 3112, Huntersville, NC 28070-
Testing equipment for ASR and curing.
3D printing products and 3D printing equipment
Fire protective and decorative coatings, sealers, hardeners.
Construction Products
Liithium salts and solutions.
Calcined magnesium salts
Pozzolans -
Admixtures for cements, concrete and oilfield cement
In order to be able to provide total solutions to our customers, we have negotiated agency agreements with a number of strategic suppliers that provide products that fit our knowledge base.
Through this agreements we are able to provide technical assistance and support in their use in our customer applications. Our focus is to provide innovative products that in their use provide sustainable solutions.
A greener Earth through Chemistry
Special Cements
Magnesium Cements White cement, CSA
Environmental treatment chemicals
Bioremediation, water treatment, air scrubbing